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Frequently Asked Questions



Q: Do you offer a monthly membership?

A: From time to time, we offer a flat rate membership. However, as the needs of our students and instructors fluctuate often, it's often diiculut to sustain a flat rate that remains fair for everyone. Most instructors have the option of paying per class, or will offer a discount if you purchase several classes in advance.


Q: How are classes so inexpensive?

A: We try our hardest to make ALL of our classes as accesible to everyone who wants to take them. Part of that is keeping the tuition as low as we can. For that reason, Teachers charge what they think is fair for their classes, and give the Studio a percentage of what they make. So, most of the money from your class goes straight to the instructor. All of our instructors teach because they ove waht they do!




Our Mission is to enable people to find and express their inner awesome! Here are some links that explore some ways people have done it, or that might help you to!


Brenda Cortez Artwork:


United States Judo Association:




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